Texting While Driving Car Accidents in Atlanta

Texting while driving is a leading cause of vehicle collisions. Drivers who take their attention off the road to send or read a text message are often unable to respond to changing road conditions in time to avoid a crash.

If you were injured in a texting while driving car accident in Atlanta, you deserve legal counsel that understands the personal injury claims process. One of our dedicated car accident attorneys can assist you with every aspect of your civil claim.

The Dangers of Texting While Driving

Texting is one of the most dangerous behaviors a person can do when they are behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. The risk of an accident increases dramatically for a number of reasons. First and foremost, texting while driving makes it difficult for a motorist to focus on the task of operating their vehicle safely. This divided attention can lead to a crash at any moment.

When a driver looks at their phone to send or read a text message, traffic conditions can change without them realizing it. Pedestrians could step in front of their vehicle or traffic could come to a sudden stop. Texting can make it impossible for a driver to avoid these collisions.

While drawing a driver’s attention and eyes away from the road is a problem, any distractions involving physically manipulating the phone adds another level of danger since taking a hand off the wheel can make it harder to maneuver the vehicle in a split second. An Atlanta driver who was texting before they got into a car accident will likely be considered negligent.

Compensation From a Texting Driver

An attorney could recover different types of compensation for any injuries suffered in a texting while driving accident in Atlanta. These damages are generally paid for by the texting driver or their insurance carrier.

Medical Expenses

Costly medical care is often a major concern for anyone injured by a distracted driver. A civil lawsuit could not only cover the medical treatment received immediately after the crash, but it could also pay for future care as well. This medical care might include surgeries, follow-up visits, prosthetic limbs, pain management medication, or physical therapy.

Lost Wages

Another frustrating aspect of being injured in a crash is the financial impact it can have. For many people, it can take weeks or even months to fully recover from these injuries. During that period of recovery, being forced to miss work could have a dramatic impact on a person’s finances. Thankfully, a lawsuit is an opportunity to recoup those lost wages.

Pain and Suffering

Physical pain is also another factor in car crash settlements. When a person is hurt in an accident by a texting driver, physical pain is often unavoidable. It is common to recover damages based on this pain and suffering.

Call an Attorney to Discuss Texting While Driving Car Accidents in Atlanta

It can be tricky to pursue monetary compensation following texting while driving car accidents in Atlanta. That is especially true if you try to act as your own attorney. Hiring Childers, Schlueter & Smith could improve your chances of a favorable outcome. Call our team to talk about your legal options during a free, confidential consultation.

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Childers, Schlueter & Smith, LLC

Childers, Schlueter & Smith, LLC N/a
Address 1932 North Druid Hills Road ,Suite 100
GA 30319
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