Atlanta Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

Drunk driving is more than just a crime. It’s a public safety issue that puts your family at risk every time an intoxicated driver gets behind the wheel. When these reckless drivers hurt innocent people in Atlanta, our drunk driving accident attorneys get to work.

If you, or a loved one, has suffered injuries in an accident caused by someone driving under the influence, we understand your anger, frustration and sadness. Unlike the causes of some car accidents, drunk driving is 100% preventable. This shouldn’t have happened, and our Atlanta drunk driving accident lawyers want to help. Our skilled car accident attorneys are experienced with DUI cases.

Please call Childers, Schlueter & Smith and we can discuss how we may be able to get your family the compensation you need and deserve. We offer free consultations with no obligations.

Who is Responsible For Drunk Driving Accidents?

Legal responsibility in DUI cases typically falls upon the driver who made the irresponsible choice to drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Drivers can and should be held legally accountable when they cause crashes that hurt others – especially if they did so while drunk.

However, the driver who made the careless decision to get behind the wheel may not be the only person at fault. Others may be held legally liable in certain circumstances. Other parties you may be able to seek compensation from in an intoxicated driving accident lawsuit in Atlanta include:

  • A bar or club that over-served the person (These are known as “dram shop” cases.)
  • The organizer of a social gathering at which the driver got drunk
  • An employer who provided the person alcohol at a work function

A seasoned accident lawyer familiar with drunk driving cases could help you identify the liable party in your claim.

Do I Need An Attorney if A Drunk Driver Hit Me?

If you, or a loved one, is injured in a crash caused by a drunk driver in Atlanta, we strongly encourage you to speak with an attorney about your options. You have rights, but you may need an attorney to help protect them.

These kinds of crashes can cause serious injuries that may require a lifetime of recovery. If you are currently dealing with this, you know your life has been forever changed. The stress, pain, and medical bills add up quickly, and it’s a terrible ordeal.A gavel and bottle of alcohol

Let us help you. As in other car accidents, a person injured by a drunk driver may be entitled to compensation for their injuries. You want an attorney who understands the laws surrounding responsibility on the road and intoxicated driving. More importantly, you want an attorney who has handled cases like this before and has helped people in your position recover the compensation they deserve. A drunk driving accident lawsuit may be able to secure compensation for:

  • Rehabilitation
  • Wages you didn’t earn because you couldn’t work
  • Pain and suffering
  • Ambulance rides, hospital stays, and medical procedures

This compensation can help alleviate your burden and get you back on the right track.

Due to the particularly reckless circumstances of a crash caused by a drunk driver, an attorney may be able to seek punitive damages as well to punish the liable party and serve as a deterrent for similar behavior in the future.

Drunk Driving: A Leading Cause of Highway Deaths

According to federal statistics, about 30 people die in an automobile accident involving an alcohol-impaired driver each day in the United States. Alcohol is involved in nearly one-third of all American traffic accident deaths. Here in Georgia, hundreds of people die in alcohol-related accidents every year

Each of these deaths is one too many. Childers, Schlueter & Smith is committed to improving the safety of our roads and highways. In addition to our legal efforts on behalf of victims, we actively support several organizations working hard to keep Georgia drivers safe.

Contact an Atlanta Drunk Driving Accident Attorney at Childers, Schlueter & Smith

Call our Atlanta drunk driving accident lawyers today if you, or a loved one, has been injured due to the reckless behavior of an intoxicated driver. Remember, there is no cost and no obligation.

CALL US TODAY AT (404) 419-9500

Childers, Schlueter & Smith, LLC

Childers, Schlueter & Smith, LLC N/a
Address 1932 North Druid Hills Road ,Suite 100
GA 30319
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