Medication Errors

About Medication Errors 

  • Medication errors, such as dispensing the wrong medication or dosage, can lead to severe health risks like allergic reactions, dangerous drug interactions, and even death.
  • Errors often stem from misreading prescriptions, data entry mistakes, incorrect stocking, or failure to double-check work. Pharmacy workload pressures and inadequate staffing also contribute to these errors.
  • Pharmacists are expected to meet high standards of care. When they fail to do so, patients may suffer. Victims of pharmacy medication errors should seek legal representation to pursue compensation for the harm caused.

Why Hire CSS for a Medication Error Lawsuit

At Childers, Schlueter & Smith, we understand that medication errors can lead to devastating consequences for you and your family. Whether it’s an incorrect dosage, a dangerous drug interaction, or improper instructions, these mistakes can have life-threatening implications. Our experienced team of personal injury attorneys is committed to holding negligent pharmacists accountable and fighting for the compensation you deserve.

What sets us apart is our thorough approach to each case. We meticulously investigate the details of your prescription, identify where the error occurred, and build a robust claim tailored to your unique situation. With extensive experience in pharmacy medication error litigation, we relentlessly pursue justice for our clients. Our proven track record of success speaks for itself.

By choosing CSS, you’re not just hiring a law firm—you’re partnering with a dedicated team that will guide you through every step of the legal process. We’ll fight to ensure that negligent pharmacists are held responsible for their actions and that you receive the maximum compensation for your injuries. Let us help you seek justice and restore peace of mind.

pharmacy shelves stocked with various medications

Pharmacists’ Responsibility to You

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), medication errors injure 1.3 million people annually and cause one death daily in the U.S. Some errors are slight, but some mistakes lead to significant injury or death.

Pharmacists are responsible for furnishing the correct medication in accordance with doctors’ prescriptions. Prescriptions are vital to patients’ healthcare, and pharmacy mistakes can result in serious harm or even death.

Pharmacist errors usually involve one or both of the following issues:

  • Incorrect medication
  • Incorrect dosage

Incorrect Medication Health Risks

When pharmacists dispense the wrong medication, a variety of health risks can result, including:

  • Failure to treat the patient’s condition
  • Onset of a condition caused by the wrong medicine
  • Allergic reaction
  • Dangerous interaction with other medicines
  • Death

Incorrect Dosage Mistakes

Even a dosage difference of a few milligrams may harm a patient, depending on the drug. Painkiller overdose, for instance, is often fatal. Dosage mistakes can result from:

  • Incorrect amount of a drug being dispensed
  • Incorrect dosage instructions, such as advice to take a drug “as needed” when in fact it requires doses at specific times

If you suffered harm due to any of these pharmaceutical errors, it could be beneficial to consult an attorney in Atlanta.

Potential Pharmacy Mistakes

There are many reasons pharmacists or pharmacist techs make errors, but none excuse the harm you may suffer as a result. If your pharmacist issued an incorrect prescription, the wrong dosage, or dose usage instructions, you may be entitled to compensation. Documenting the possible reason for prescription drug errors may aid in our lawyers’ investigation into your claim. Possible causes of error include:

  • Accidental error
  • Misreading the prescription
  • Improperly entering prescription into the computer, or not entering it at all
  • Confusing similar drug names
  • Choosing the wrong medicine
  • Stocking the pharmacy or hospital shelves or drawers incorrectly
  • Pharmacists not double-checking the work of pharmacy technicians
  • Incorrectly advising patients on drug usage – either verbally or on the instruction label
  • Failing to offer legally mandated face-to-face counseling with the pharmacist for patients with new prescriptions
  • Not checking the patient’s history for possible drug interactions
  • Poorly managing the pharmacy, resulting in long shifts without breaks or under-qualified staff
  • Keeping out-of-date patient information leaflets
  • Poorly maintained pharmacy mixing machines
  • Company incentives for maximizing speed or customer volume that encourage rushing and other dangerous behaviors

Pharmacists Should Pay for Negligence

Pharmacists receive extensive schooling to ensure they can uphold the required standards of care. Precision is a key part of pharmacists’ training. When pharmacists make mistakes – either through inattention, negligence, or oversight – they must be held accountable for the harm the errors cause.

Patients should be able to trust that pharmacists will dispense their prescriptions exactly as doctors order. If a doctor writes an unclear prescription, it is the pharmacist’s duty to contact the physician who wrote it and ensure the correct administration of the drug.

Contact Our Experienced Atlanta Georgia Personal Injury Team

If you have suffered harm from a pharmacy error, you may be entitled to compensation. The experienced injury attorneys of Childers, Schlueter & Smith can file a medical malpractice lawsuit on your behalf against your pharmacy and/or pharmacist and work tirelessly to achieve the maximum compensation for you.

If you have been injured by pharmacy error, we are determined to obtain justice on your behalf. Contact an Atlanta prescription error lawyer today to begin the process of filing your claim.

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifies as a medication error?2024-09-16T02:26:03+00:00

A medication error occurs when a pharmacist dispenses the wrong medication, or incorrect dosage, or provides improper instructions for usage, leading to patient harm.

What should I do if I’ve been harmed by a medication error?2024-09-16T02:29:26+00:00

Seek medical attention immediately, preserve any documentation or prescriptions, and contact a medical malpractice attorney to explore your legal options for compensation.

What are the health risks of receiving the wrong medication or dosage?2024-09-16T02:30:56+00:00

Health risks include untreated conditions, dangerous drug interactions, allergic reactions, overdose, and in some cases, death.

Can I file a lawsuit against the pharmacist for their error?2024-09-16T02:34:33+00:00

Yes, if you were harmed due to a pharmacist’s negligence, you may be able to file a malpractice claim against both the pharmacist and the pharmacy for compensation.

How do I prove a medication error caused my injury?2024-09-16T02:40:31+00:00

Your attorney will gather evidence such as medical records, expert testimony, and documentation from the pharmacy to demonstrate how the mistake occurred and the harm it caused.

What kind of compensation can I receive for a medication error?2024-09-16T02:41:54+00:00

Victims of medication errors may be eligible for compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from the error.

Can I settle a medication error claim out of court?2024-09-16T02:43:23+00:00

Yes, many medication error cases are settled out of court through negotiations. An experienced attorney can help you pursue a fair settlement without the need for a trial.

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