
About Tepezza Lawsuits

  • Tepezza, the brand name for teprotumumab, is the first drug approved by the FDA for treating thyroid eye disease (TED). Tepezza has been linked to serious auditory side effects, including hearing loss, tinnitus, hyperacusis, and other hearing disorders.
  • Lawsuits against Tepezza’s manufacturer, Horizon Therapeutics, claim the company failed to adequately warn the public about the drug’s risks, despite evidence of potential hearing damage discovered during pre-approval testing.
  • Individuals suffering from hearing loss after Tepezza infusions may have grounds for legal action under product liability or failure-to-warn claims and should seek legal advice on their eligibility for compensation.

Why Hire CSS for a Tepezza Lawsuit

At Childers, Schlueter & Smith, you can trust that your case will be handled with the expertise and attention it deserves. With years of experience in mass tort and defective drug litigation, we know how to navigate the complexities of holding major pharmaceutical companies like Horizon Therapeutics accountable. Our team is dedicated to fighting for maximum compensation, whether for medical bills, lost wages, or the emotional toll of dealing with hearing loss.

What sets CSS apart is our personalized approach. We take the time to understand your unique situation, gather all the necessary evidence, and build a strong case that puts your needs first. With our proven track record of success in similar cases, you can feel confident that we will fight for the best possible outcome for your Tepezza claim.

closeup view of a male doctor checking a female patient's hearing during an exam

Auditory Side Effects of Tepezza

Tepezza—which is the brand name for the drug teprotumumab—is the first drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of thyroid eye disease. While this medication was considered ground-breaking at the time it hit the market a few short years ago, it has since been linked to serious medical issues, including hearing loss.

Multiple side effects have been linked to infusions of Tepezza. Based on client complaints and other historical information, most side effects generally relate to hearing loss. Users of the drug have reported developing hyperacusis, a type of hearing disorder that increases the sensitivity to sound. Tinnitus, or persistent ringing in the ear, has also been linked to the drug.

Hearing loss is another common consequence of taking Tepezza. While some people report temporary or partial hearing loss, others face permanent loss of hearing. Finally, issues like eustachian tube dysfunction (fluid in the ears) and autophony (believing that a person’s own voice is too loud in their ears) are also possible.

If you are experiencing auditory issues after taking Tepezza, an experienced defective drug attorney from Childers, Schlueter & Smith might be able to help you recover financial compensation from the manufacturer for your condition. Schedule a free consultation with a Tepezza lawyer so you know where you stand with a potential case.

Liable Parties in a Tepezza Lawsuit

The manufacturer of Tepezza is now the target of multiple lawsuits which allege that they failed to warn the public of the risks associated with the drug. If you are experiencing hearing loss after taking Tepezza, you might have grounds for a civil lawsuit. An experienced mass tort attorney can advise you on how to hold the liable parties in a Tepezza lawsuit accountable.

Pursuing Legal Action Against the Drug Manufacturer

Lawsuits related to the side effects of Tepezza are a recent phenomenon, and none of them have gone to trial yet. However, several lawsuits have already been filed. To date, each of these lawsuits targets the manufacturer of the drug: Horizon Therapeutics.

Horizon Therapeutics is a global pharmaceutical company headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. Founded in 2005, the company has since developed a large portfolio of medications, including Ravicti, Actimmune, and Buphenyl, in addition to Tepezza.

Legal action against Horizon Therapeutics is possible because of the dangerous side effects that the company failed to disclose. While there can be significant unavoidable risks with some medications, patients are often given the opportunity to take that risk after consulting with their doctor about their options.

Plaintiffs currently suing Tepezza allege the company was aware of the potential for hearing loss but failed to warn the public.

Unlike other types of medication, there are not multiple manufacturers of Tepezza, also known as teprotumumab. The lack of generic versions of this medication means that every dose of Tepezza was manufactured by Horizon Therapeutics. For that reason, the company is the sole manufacturing defendant in every lawsuit involving Tepezza-related hearing loss.

There are legal requirements that must be met in order to pursue a successful claim against the makers of this drug. A Childers, Schlueter & Smith Tepezza attorney could provide an individual with guidance on how you might be entitled to recover compensation.

Risks of hearing loss were reported in the tests of the drug that were performed prior to FDA approval in January 2020. However, the manufacturers estimated that, at most, 10 percent of users would face potential health issues. Now that the drug has come to market, that percentage is many times higher than that, at a minimum. According to some evidence and a clinical study, those who suffer health issues after using Tepezza may be as high as 65% or more.

There are two main legal theories for why the makers of Tepezza or similar drugs could face consequences. First, compensation could be available if they failed to adequately test the drug before it made it to the public marketplace and that it was defective before even being approved. The second legal theory is that the makers of the drug failed to adequately warn the public of the known risks associated with Tepezza.

Can I Sue a Doctor or Pharmacist for Prescribing Tepezza?

There are some cases where it could be possible to sue a doctor or pharmacist due to a harmful reaction to a certain medication. However, this does not appear to be the case when it comes to Tepezza and hearing loss. Doctors and pharmacists have an obligation to warn patients of the risks associated with medication, but they cannot do that in situations where the manufacturer fails to provide warnings or guidance on these risks.

It is only possible to pursue legal action against a doctor or pharmacist when they could have taken reasonable steps to prevent these health consequences. For example, a doctor could have been liable if they were aware of the risk of hearing loss and prescribed Tepezza anyway.

Talk to an Attorney About Identifying Liable Parties in a Tepezza Lawsuit

Identifying the at-fault party is only the first step when pursuing a Tepezza lawsuit. You and your lawyer will also need to develop a case for compensation using available evidence.

You should not manage your lawsuit on your own. Place a call to Childers, Schlueter & Smith to set up a free consultation and discuss if you might have a case.

closeup of an iv drip with a blurred patient in the background

Collecting Evidence for a Tepezza Lawsuit

Filing a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company is unlike most other personal injury cases. When you are involved in a car wreck, your attorney must uncover evidence that the other driver or some other entity was negligent. That is not the case when you are injured by a defective medication.

Collecting evidence for a Tepezza lawsuit does not involve presenting proof that the manufacturer was negligent or that they intended to harm you individually. Succeeding in these cases requires proof that you used the medication and developed health issues linked to Tepezza afterward. An experienced mass tort attorney from Childers, Schlueter & Smith can look into your potential case and begin the process of collecting evidence if you have a claim.

The most important evidence you can provide is proof that you have used Tepezza in the past. Tepezza comes in the form of infusions, so any type of proof of receiving these infusions is valuable in a civil case.

Often, a plaintiff will rely on their own medical records to show that they were prescribed and used Tepezza. Even financial records that corroborate payments for these infusions could be useful.

It is also helpful to have medical records that establish the underlying condition that Tepezza was designed to treat. Tepezza is the only available treatment for thyroid eye disease and treating this disease is its only known use.

Where to Look for Medical Records

It is not enough for you to prove that you were prescribed and received Tepezza infusions. In order to successfully pursue damages, you must also show that you are living with serious health issues linked to the use of Tepezza, which include hearing loss and tinnitus.

Medical records from the hospital or clinic can establish the first time that you sought treatment for hearing loss. This is important, especially if these issues suddenly arose after Tepezza treatments began. Medical records could also establish the severity of your hearing issues.

It might be necessary to obtain medical records from multiple providers in order to make a case for compensation. For example, a general practitioner might refer a patient to a specialist for complaints regarding hearing loss. It could be necessary to obtain your records from both doctors to pursue full compensation.

Evidence of Pre-Existing Conditions

Medical records are also useful for establishing any health issues you had prior to the use of Tepezza. This is important, as the manufacturer’s defense team will inquire about any pre-existing hearing issues. Having hearing loss before taking Tepezza does not mean compensation is automatically unavailable. It is possible that the use of Tepezza could enflame or worsen any existing hearing loss or tinnitus. Comparing medical records before and after the use of Tepezza could paint a clear picture of how the drug impacted your hearing.

If you are experiencing hearing loss after taking Tepezza, you might be entitled to compensation. Success with your case requires evidence and the right attorney can assist you with collecting evidence that proves your damages. Call our law firm to learn more during a free, confidential consultation.

Has Tepezza Been Recalled?

Despite the health risks, there has not been a recall of Tepezza to date, but the lack of a recall does not mean that pursuing legal action is out of the question. There is compelling evidence that Tepezza is dangerous and the manufacturers of this drug should have warned the public of these risks. We are learning more every day about the harmful effects of Tepezza and its link to hearing loss complications.

Contact an Attorney About Your Tepezza Lawsuit

If you are living with chronic auditory issues following Tepezza infusions, you could be entitled to compensation. There are links between hearing issues and the use of this drug, and it could be possible to hold the manufacturer accountable as we learn and show more. Let a Tepezza lawyer assist you in determining whether you meet the prerequisites for a dangerous drug claim. Call the attorneys at Childers, Schlueter & Smith for a free consultation on your Tepezza claim.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Tepezza used for?2024-09-11T02:24:00+00:00

Tepezza (teprotumumab) is the first FDA-approved medication for the treatment of thyroid eye disease, a condition that causes inflammation and damage to the muscles and tissues around the eyes.

What are the side effects of Tepezza?2024-09-11T02:27:13+00:00

Common side effects include hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hyperacusis (increased sensitivity to sound), and eustachian tube dysfunction. Some patients report temporary or permanent hearing loss.

Can I file a lawsuit if I experience hearing loss after using Tepezza?2024-09-11T02:30:55+00:00

If you experienced hearing loss after using Tepezza, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit against Horizon Therapeutics for failing to warn patients of the risks. An experienced mass torts attorney can evaluate your case.

Is Tepezza still being prescribed despite these risks?2024-09-11T02:34:41+00:00

Yes, Tepezza has not been recalled despite the growing number of reports linking it to hearing loss. The risks and benefits should be discussed with a physician.

How do I prove I took Tepezza?2024-09-11T02:35:44+00:00

You can provide medical records, proof of infusions, and financial documents that confirm you received Tepezza treatments. These are important pieces of evidence in a potential lawsuit.

What compensation could I receive in a Tepezza lawsuit?2024-09-11T02:39:49+00:00

Compensation may cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages related to the auditory issues caused by Tepezza.

How long do I have to file a Tepezza lawsuit?2024-09-11T02:41:31+00:00

The statute of limitations varies by state, so it’s important to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible to avoid missing the deadline for filing a Tepezza injury claim.

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