C. Andrew “Andy” Childers, founding partner of Childers, Schlueter & Smith, was recently appointed liaison counsel in the Paragard IUD Multi-District Litigation (“MDL”), which consists of over 100 cases, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. (In Re: Paragard Products Liability Litigation, MDL No. 2974)

United States District Judge Leigh Martin May appointed Andy as the Plaintiffs’ Liaison Counsel for MDL 2974, as well as appointing 22 other attorneys to the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee and the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee. This honor came right after Andy was recently recognized in the Thomson Reuters Super Lawyers magazine for 2021.

For more than 20 years, Andy has handled complex cases for people who have suffered injuries caused by products made by a number of big pharmaceutical companies.

Paragard lawsuits claim that Teva Pharmaceuticals and other drug manufacturers manufactured a defective contraceptive device and failed to warn physicians about the risks. The lawsuits also claim that there was a risk of the device fracturing upon removal, but that Teva and the other manufacturers knowingly marketed the device as safe and easy to remove.

Injury cases involving the Paragard product were recently consolidated into MDL in the Northern District of Georgia in order to streamline the litigation process through which we hope to obtain compensation for women injured by the Paragard IUD.

If you have experienced injuries caused by a Paragard IUD breakage or fracture, give us a call for a free case consultation. If you would prefer, you can also submit a request on our contact us page. Provide as much information you feel is necessary, click submit, and we will be in touch after review.

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