Forsyth, GA: Facial laceration with scarring in 2-car accident with disputed liability. Defendant driver was killed in the incident. The passenger in the vehicle brought a claim against the Estate and the deceased driver settled against the Estate of vehicle 1 and for the limits of coverage for vehicle 2 for $350,000.00.

Gainesville, GA: Wrongful Death of a child involving an electric scooter for $24,616,005.09 Judgment later vacated on other grounds but successfully settled for confidential amount.

Conyers, GA: Two-car accident involving illegal passing maneuver prior to collision. Injuries to the client consisted of an extensive injury to the foot involving two surgeries with an eventual subtalar fusion. Settled for $475,000.00 with funding from both the limited policy on the responsible driver and uninsured coverage of the client’s policy.

Fulton County, GA: An out of state driver of an 18 wheeler feel asleep while driving down I-75 in Atlanta and ran into the back of our client’s vehicle. She sustained neck and back injuries that ultimately required a cervical fusion on her neck. Case settled for confidential amount.

Atlanta, GA: Plaintiff and Defendant unknown to one another attended the same restaurant and ingested alcohol. Plaintiff elected to walk home rather than drive due to ingestion of alcohol. Defendant drove striking Plaintiff, killing him, and being charged criminally with wrongful death. Case settled for confidential amount.

Clayton County, GA: Clear liability incident motor vehicle collision. Orthopedic injury to leg. Driver Plaintiff settled for $275,000.00.

Spalding County, GA: Our client, a 71 year old grandmother, was injured in a two car collision. She had pre-existing degenerative disc disease in her lumbar spine and a prior lumbar disc herniation. The collision aggravated her pre-existing back problems. Jury Verdict for $94,441.00.

DeKalb County, GA: Tractor trailer truck driver attempted to run a red light in an 18-wheeler and rear-ended our client’s vehicle at a traffic light. Trucking company failed to perform a proper background check on truck driver prior to hiring him. Client suffered back injuries that eventually led to surgery 3 ½ years after the collision. Jury Verdict for $581,000.00 including $15,000.00 in punitive damages against trucking company for negligent hiring.

Fulton County, GA: Our clients, husband and wife, were rear ended in a relatively minor impact collision in stop and go traffic on I-85 in Atlanta. Husband suffered a cervical disc herniation that the defendant claimed pre-existed the collision. Wife had soft tissue injuries. Settlement for $145,000.00.

Gwinnett County, GA: A log truck driver pulled out into the path of our client’s vehicle. Defendants’ disputed liability in the beginning but after filing a lawsuit we learned the truck driver failed to keep his driving logs and other materials as required by Federal law and should not have been operating his vehicle at the time of the collision. Our client sustained a neck fracture that required a cervical fusion on his C4-5 to correct all the pains he endured. Case settled for confidential amount.

Thomas County, GA: Three family members rear-ended by drunk driver while sitting at traffic light. Defendant charged with DUI, but got charges reduced to reckless driving. Our three clients had soft tissue injuries. Settlement for $87,000.00.

DeKalb County, GA: Our client was driving from Alabama to Atlanta in the early morning with two other passengers in an SUV. As she slowed down for traffic, the front seat passenger, who was asleep, suddenly woke up and grabbed the steering wheel causing the vehicle to lose control, hit a guardrail, and roll over. Plaintiff suffered significant lacerations to her scalp and underwent surgery to her neck. Settlement for $100,000.00.

Newton County, GA: Husband and wife were traveling down a road in Newton County when an inattentive driver slammed into their brand new truck. The Husband sustained injuries to his leg, pelvis and lacerations to his arm. The Wife sustained a fractured ankle and other related injuries requiring physical therapy and casting. Settlement for $235,000.00

Walton County, GA: A family of four was hit in a side impact collision by a teenager that was not paying attention to the roadway. The mother sustained a serious fracture to her ankle but did not require surgical intervention. The 3 children thankfully sustained slight injuries to their spine that subsequently healed themselves a few days after the collision. Settlement for $156,500.00

Florida: Our client was riding as a passenger on a motorcycle being driven by a friend when another driver pulled out in front of them. Despite wearing her helmet, our client sustained head trauma and other orthopedic injuries as a result. After spending weeks in the local hospital and a lot of therapy thereafter we were able to successfully resolve her claims without the need for a lawsuit to be filed. Case settled for confidential amount.

Bibb County, GA: Our clients were struck by a drunk driver who after impact tried to leave the scene of the accident. The Defendant was quickly located by the local authorities and subsequently faced criminal charges of hit and run and DUI. After refusing to pay our clients a fair sum due to them for their injuries, we filed a lawsuit on their behalf. Discovery into the Defendant’s reckless actions and prior criminal history ultimately forced the Defendant’s insurance company to pay their full policy limits of $100,000.00

Greene County, GA: Our client was riding as a passenger in a commercial transportation vehicle when the driver of her vehicle fell asleep. She sustained injuries to her arm and a fracture to her ankle due to the impact of her vehicle with a tractor trailer. The case was confidentially resolved as a part of a global settlement with other clients.

Do not wait to begin filing your claim if you have been in an accident. Call our Georgia accident lawyers today at (404) 419-9500 or submit your information through the form on this page, and set up a free consultation to review your case.

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