Athens Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Pedestrians have the right to travel near and across public roads. Despite this right, pedestrians frequently suffer injuries when they are struck by careless motorists. From intersections to sidewalks, these dangerous incidents can occur almost anywhere.

A personal injury lawsuit for financial compensation is an option if you are hit by motor vehicle while in the parking lot or crossing the street. Do not attempt to settle your own claim: call Childers, Schlueter & Smith to discuss your options with an Athens pedestrian accident lawyer.

Pedestrians and the Law

There are a number of statutes that determine when drivers have the right to travel on a road or cross an intersection at a specific time. This is known as having the right-of-way. These statutes also set out situations where pedestrians have the right-of-way. When these pedestrians are struck by careless motorists, they should get an immediate medical evaluation and reach out to an Athens pedestrian accident attorney.

Pedestrians are generally protected by the law when they cross the street at marked crosswalks. The same is true when they are traveling on a sidewalk or crossing at an intersection controlled by traffic lights.

In these situations, pedestrians typically have the right-of-way. If a motorist collides with a pedestrian in a crosswalk, they are usually at fault for the incident. There are some limited exceptions, however, like in situations where a pedestrian suddenly steps into the path of a vehicle when there is no time for the driver to stop.

Pedestrians do not have the same rights when the cross the street outside of marked crosswalks. In these situations, pedestrians have an obligation to yield to motor vehicles that are traveling the roadway. Drivers can still be at fault in an incident under these circumstances if they are driving negligently.

Compensation for Injured Pedestrians

An injured pedestrian could recover a monetary award if they are injured by a negligent motorist, with different categories of compensation that might apply. With the help of an Athens pedestrian accident attorney, the following types of damages might be available.

Medical Costs

It can be costly to pay for medical treatment following a vehicle collision. While emergency medical bills can quickly overwhelm an injured person, they often pale in comparison to the ongoing costs of treating serious injuries like a TBI or paralysis. Damages could cover the cost of this care.

Lost Wages

Many injured pedestrians are forced to miss time at work for recuperation. A collision with a car can cause devastating injuries that require months of healing before a person is able to return to work. A lawyer can help an injured pedestrian recover damages based on the wages they missed out on.

Pain and Suffering

Serious injuries frequently result in physical pain, which could be long-lasting or chronic in some situations. A lawyer works with the plaintiff and their family to determine the intangible losses they endured.

Contact an Athens Pedestrian Accident Attorney

No one should have to deal with the financial fallout of a life-altering injury because they crossed the street. While pedestrians have the right to make use of the roadway under the law, negligent drivers are a constant threat to their safety.

Call our office and set up a free consultation. Our Athens pedestrian accident lawyer can represent you in the pursuit of damages.

CALL US TODAY AT (404) 419-9500

Childers, Schlueter & Smith, LLC

Childers, Schlueter & Smith, LLC N/a
Address 1932 North Druid Hills Road ,Suite 100
GA 30319
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